B&DTA Organised Social Tennis


  • Check with event for minimum playing standards required
  • No weekly commitment required
  • Pay For Play
  • All organised social events are free to members with the appropriate membership
  • 15 y/o + (under age players must be accompanied by an adult)
  • See session organiser on arrival for payment and info
  • It’s social tennis, so have fun!

An Intermediate Player Can …

  • Return a medium to hard shot with more than 50% consistency and maintain a rally
  • Read the play enough to see the direction of a returned shot and be able to predict the outcome of an incoming shot and prepare accordingly
  • Be able to vary the speed and direction of your shots – particularly when serving

Sunday Members Day Doubles

Location: Bulli Tennis Centre
Standard: All Standards Welcome
Time: 9am – 12pm
Cost: Free for members … but you MUST participate in the organised event. This is a great opportunity for members to bring along a friend looking to get into tennis. This is the BEST time to come and find out more about playing tennis and what Bulli Tennis has to offer.
Contact: Lloyd (0402 488 043)

Monday Singles

Location: Bulli Tennis Centre
Standard: Intermediate to Advanced Players
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $10 (New Balls Provided) – free with Night Membership
Contact: Rob (0421 087 049)

Wednesday Doubles

Location: Bulli Tennis Centre
Standard: Intermediate to Advanced Players
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $8 (New Balls Provided) – free with Night Membership
Contact: Lloyd (0402 488 043)

Friday Doubles

Location: Corrimal Tennis Centre
Standard: All Standards Welcome – open to beginners
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $5 – free with Night Membership
Contact: Adrian (0417 265 885)

Saturday Non Comp Doubles

Location: Bulli Tennis Centre
Standard: All Standards Welcome – beginners are encouraged to come along
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Cost: $5 – free for Members
Contact: Lloyd (0402 488 043)